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Guest Artists Galore at GISH

Grand Island Senior High (aka GISH) invites Keri Chryst (vocals) and Eric Burger (trombone, vocals, arrangements) for a full week of BIG BAND music making!

Preparation + Opportunity = ...?

Daily 7am Big Band rehearsals, plus 1 or 2 vocal rehearsals per day, plus a lunch time slot where the whole gang can get together.

Bright & early - Keri works with one of the Jazz Ensembles in preparation for their Friday concert

Stretching the skills sets

These young musicians got a chance to dig into some challenging arrangements, with some extra guidance from the visiting artists, in preparation for a big community concert at the end of the week.

Sacrificing for the cause - the young vocalists join the instrumentalists on their lunch break to get in some extra rehearsal time on the sound system and hear what the arrangements sound like together.
Guest Artists, Eric Burger (trombone/vocals/arrangements) and Keri Chryst (vocals/clinician) always happy to be sharing the jazz love with young people
Guest artist Eric Burger (trombone) showing the jazz ensemble how it's done!

Stay tuned for scenes from the final concert!

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